Form Configuration


The Form Configuration option lets users create or modify forms used in various maestro* modules. Form configuration is accessible from the form section of configuration options.

This option lets you open and configure forms that are generally more complex in text format.


You can also open or modify the forms using the Form Generator, which provides a design view of the form in a visual format.

CAUTION! Before using this function, you must consult with one of our professionals to understand the impact and operation on forms.




Create a form

TIP: The user must first be in the correct section of the form before creating the form because variables included on a form are not compatible with all forms.

  1. Click the Form Configuration icon in the Forms sections of configuration.

For example:


A window containing information about the configuration of forms is displayed.

  1. Enter the required information:



Form Type*

Identifies the form type. Available values :

User Defined Forms

Shows that the forms have been customized by users.

Standard Forms

Shows that the forms are supplied by maestro*.

CAUTION! Standard files can be changed at any time during updates. We recommend renaming the standard file with a custom name if you want to adapt a template to suit your requirements.


Form filename.


Description used to identify the form.


Structure of the form defined using commands.

CAUTION! Training is required to understand the structure and organization of forms.

NOTE: You can search by simultaneously pressing CTRL+F with the cursor positioned in the Definition section.

Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.

  1. Click Save.


Export a form

This function lets you save the form in a specific folder and retrieve it. For example, you can share form templates with other maestro* users or with other companies.

  1. From the Form Configuration screen, select the Form Type to be exported.
  2. Select the form from the Identifier field.

The form must be displayed on the screen before you can continue.

  1. Click the Export Form icon and confirm the name of the file to be exported.
  2. Click OK.

Save the document in a folder accessible to the user.


Send a form by e-mail

  1. From the Form Configuration screen, select the Form Type to be exported.
  2. Select the form from the Identifier field.

The form must be displayed on the screen before you can continue.

  1. Click the Send ForThe form must be displayed on the screen before you can continue.m by E-mail icon and complete the Recipients and Message fields.
  2. Click Send.


Import a form

  1. From the Form Configuration screen, select the User Defined Forms form type.
  2. Click the Import Form From a File icon and select the file to be imported.
  3. Click OK.

The data from the selected file is displayed at the bottom of the screen in the definition section.

  1. Enter the Identifier and Description.
  2. Click Save.


Print a custom form

In some screens in the application, you can print a custom form by clicking the Print icon. For example, you can print a custom form to open a project


The form must first be linked to a name in the Form Configuration icon, which is available in most of the management screens.

Link the custom form

  1. From the Project Management screen, for example, click the Form Configuration icon.
  2. Enter the name of the form to be printed

The name of the form is displayed in the drop-down menu of the Print icon by clicking the arrow.

  1. Select the file name of the form to be printed.

The file must have been created following the instructions for creating a form (Step A) or by using the Form Generator.

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 if multiple custom forms are to be printed.
  2. Click Save and Quit to close the Form Configuration screen.

Print a custom form

  1. Click the drop-down menu of the Print icon.
  2. Select the name of the form to be printed.

The name is from the Form Configuration option.

  1. If no projects are displayed on the screen, in our example, a selection screen is displayed and you can simply select a project and click Select.

Result: The form is displayed on the screen in the maestro* report viewer.


Last modification: February 20, 2025